Marks an order as confirmed

When the user has pressed a button to finalize their order, the Merchant should call the Confirm Order API. At this stage, Caddi will take a down payment from the user using the card information provided during the Caddi Popup flow. The Confirm Order API endpoint should be called with the following information:

  1. The orderToken provided in previous steps

Caddi will respond with one of the following payment status results:

  1. If Caddi is able to successfully charge the customer's payment method for the initial down payment, the orderToken and the paymentStatus APPROVED will be returned.
  2. If Caddi is unable to charge the customer's payment method or another issue occurs finalizing the order, the orderToken and the paymentStatus DECLINED will be returned with an object elaborating on the error details.

If the APPROVED status is received, the Merchant should show an order confirmation screen to the customer noting that their order has been successful.

If the DECLINED status is received, the Merchant should return the customer to the checkout screen and ask the customer to retry the Caddi process or select an alternative payment method.

In addition the following reference fields will be provided:

  1. A referenceNumber that can be used in a later stage for refund and settlement processing. For those merchants familiar with the FNI loan system, this is the FNI reference number, unique per customer account.
  2. An accountNumber that can be used in a later stage for refund and settlement processing. For those merchants familiar with the FNI loan system, this is the FNI account number, unique per customer account.
  3. A contractNumber that can be used in a later stage for refund and settlement processing. For those merchants familiar with the FNI loan system, this is the FNI contract number, an automatically incrementing number per-customer loan e.g. 1, 2, 3.
  4. A loanNumber that can be displayed to the customer should they wish to contact support. For those merchants familiar with the FNI loan system, this is the FNI account number, combined with an underscore and the FNI contract number. This number is unique per loan.
  5. The downPayment amount that has been charged to the customer. This can optionally be used for display on your order confirmation screen.
  6. An authorizationAmount with the total order amount processed by Caddipay, inclusive of shipping and taxes.
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